Maachi has been adapted from “The Flies” by Jean Paul Sartre. The play starts with Orestes’ quest to find his true self and ends on his existential decision of defiance and sacrifice. In a locale where plague reigns supreme, flies scourge guilt ridden humans, sordid imagery haunts the milieu, saviours need somewhere to belong to and sadistic gods seek hideouts to eavesdrop, Sartre’s version of the Electra Myth comes to life. Continuing the tradition of reworking of ancient Greek myths in the pro-holocaust scientific age, Sartre uses the myth of Electra to incorporate his existential themes into The Flies for a modern audience.
Play: ‘The Flies’ written by Jean Paul Sartre.
Adapted, translated, scripted and Directed by Arpita Ghosh
Scenography: Debesh Chattopadhay
Acting: Shyamal Chakraborty, Shyamasish Pahari, Tamali Chakraborty, Gambhira Bhattyacharya, Monalisa Chatterjee, DebkamalMondalAnirban Roy Choudhary and others
Music: SreyanChattopadhay
First Show: 20th May 2017, Minerva Theatre